Why is life so amazing?
1. Seeing your sixtysomething year old great uncle sliding down the slide with his grandson. That's pure awesomeness all on its own.
2. Another grandfather saying within my earshot, "I'm not an adult. I'm just a really old kid." I love this one. That's something you'd read in a book for sure.
3. This (if you can read through the crummy quality of my laptop):

~ Uncool: A Girl's Guide to Misfitting In by Erin Elisabeth Conley p. 77. She's, like, God to me :)
4. My mom jamming to the kinds of music we listen to. I mean, my friend's mom listens to this old y'all-every-other-second Country. Excuse me while a barf into this bag conveniently located in my hand.5. Awards!

I got awarded today by the amazing ~Abby~ ("A Little Bit of Randomness"). This is my first award, and honestly I almost squealed. Yeah. Pathetic. Anyway... I just thought I'd never get an award cause I thought my posts were a bit weird at times. And dramatic. So thanks, ~Abby~! If you haven't, you should visit her blog.
So now, I get to award three other people. So, I picked these girls, just because they've got a lot to say.
1. laura marie (a diary of little things and curiousities) She's the most positive person I know, and I love her "Today I Believe" posts. They always put me in a good mood.
2. Teresauras (LIVE LIFE IN CAPS LOCK) All I have to say is read her post titled, "Cafe Caramel". At that moment in time, I fell in love with this chick's blog.
and 3. xoxo, Hannah. (Perfection.) I swear, Hannah is the sweetest girl. Her comments just make me melt :)
Aww, I loved this post(:
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your first award! You deserve it. I love the part about your old great uncle with his grandchild, and the part about being a really old kid. And your mom's music taste! That lightened my day.
ReplyDeleteFeel the sameway as Francesca! And congratulations!! I would squeal too.
Life is awesome.
ReplyDeleteI like this post.
And congrats on getting the award!
Yay! I'm glad I gave you your first award! =)
ReplyDeleteHave a good week!
Aw, thanks Jade! Appreciate it :) Glad things seem to be going your way... the same is happening to me and it almost makes me nervous! Go figure. Have a good rest of the week :) xo Laura Marie
ReplyDeleteEEEEKKK! Thank you! I haven't been on in forever, I swear I wasn't ignoring this! (: Thanks youuuuu! (: I'm going to do it now! (: X's and O's, Hannah. ♥