Friday, December 31, 2010
All High Cheekbones
all high cheekbones and innocent eyes,
the way his bangs fall clashing with his eyelashes,
allows my heavy heart to subside; and now, it dries.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Growing Up (?)
This year I started out with my hair short and choppy. I was pretty sick all the time, my face pale, my insides nasty and crappy-feeling. I was angry, got intruduced to Brain Stew, and hated school. I despised anyone else who was happy, and wished that I could crawl into a cave (or, under my covers). I wanted to be someone else, someone new, reinvented, unlike any other costume I've ever tried on before. Angrily, screaming out my rage in silence, I typed up some of the best bits and pieces of my novel that still keep me awe-struck...
I couldn't move, couldn't go outside much, the sun hurt my dark winter eyes still too much. God, I want my hair grown OUT! I was still thawing out, still sick and tired. In gym, I continued to trudge along, behind the fence and into the baseball courts, where I round the bases, and sometimes, let a smile escape from inside of me. I discovered the potential outside forces held, and my love for Led Zeppelin (the band that makes me most happy). Gradually, I finally began to warm up again.
Let me out!, is what I have begun to live by. Restless, I began to see the potential everything has, which began to rupture some old memories that are still raw to this day. I want them back. Back. But I can't. I can only move foward. I hurt some people, yelled, screamed into pillows to get some of my built-up rage out of me, drying up and beginning to start over. You know the drill. This summer, I've spilled my heart out to this little blogging world of mine, the people I trust the most with some things. Chamomile isn't going to help this longing, heavy heart I have inside me. Only moving on can do this. And acceptance. My word of the season...
This was a turning point for me. I grew my hair out some, found a great new friend, chased after what I have wanted, took some risks, met an artist, learned to ignore what others want from you. I traveled to the country to wind around back roads, got a new fuzzy friend :), and learned that keeping close, getting close to someone isn't a bad thing. Not a bad thing at all.
Here we are again. Back to square one. I'm retracing my tracks, erasing some, and starting over, but in a clearer, healthier way. And I'm smiling, still listening to Brain Stew, but this time simply nodding my head along, not howling with it in rage. Now, I'm learning to forgive...
This has been my year. I don't regret one thing done. I needed all of these experiences to become who I am right now. Thank you, fate.
...Did YOU grow up a little this year like me?
Friday, December 24, 2010
Scream At Me Until My Ears Bleed
Q: Do you still think this now?
A: Yes and no...
...That's what I've always wanted someone to say to me. "Just tell me everything. Scream at me until my ears bleed." Basically, I just want someone to listen. I need to tell someone. And now, finally, after months of blogging about the fact that nobody understands me and the fact that I'm so different, I think someone actually does.
During this year, in one of my classes, there's this girl who's artsy and very particular about everything she says and does. And she sits next to me, so she starts to talk to me, gradually at first (Hi, bye), and then now a couple of months have passed and we've sort of become friends. I have other close friends, but this girl... she just understands me completely. It's an incredible feeling, knowing that there's someone out there besides your family that knows what makes you smile, your little quirks, and funny beta fish stories :) All my other friends are very different from me, and I know they say that opposites attract, but sometimes those differences make talking about deep things hard. My other friends aren't as deep as me. Just her.
Q: What kind of friendship do you like?
A: I love sleepovers, and telling stories under the covers, our heads hidden.

I love friends that know everything about you, even the most embarassing things that you'd never tell your mom.
I like friends that are open and honest, no worries, that tell you when something is ugly or if you're being a complete jerk. 'Cause that's just what friends should do.
I love taking walks around the neigborhood and just spilling everything to eachother, stomach in knots from laughing too hard.
That, to me, is true friendship.

Honestly, this summer was a turning point for me. I had to just deal with some tough things, by myself, and now, things have turned around completely for me.
...And now I'm screaming.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Painters
Life inside is warm and freezing all at once, because you can see your breath, but still feel that heat of the lamp hovering over your head. Tubs of white paint perfuming the air, making me dizzy the slightest bit. Frozen fingers, lightened souls, all huddled under that same flickering pool of light, measuring out fate, and then cutting it for use.

Saturday, December 18, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
Yeah, You Did
That Blond Guy (The Nerd Archives),
Cassidy (The saga of amother American Tweenager),
and ching (the audacity effect).
You guys got awarded because you're awesome followers and always have something to say that gets me thinking. Thanks.
And now, I have a story to tell...

face flushed
smile brilliant
and a little bit more to his step.
Me walking by
head bent low
keeping to the ground
just to make it past.
He's talking it up
with a little bit more to his step
and that same brilliant smile
that gives me the chills.
he's rough
and mean
and thoughtless
and ruthless
and shifty
and everything else in between.
Who are you?,
my voice doesn't let these chains subside
just a bit.
Not even so I can
clear my throat
stand a bit taller
and look him
in the
Because I'm just a girl
just a poor little girl
who's still
and shy
and scared
and thoughtful
and innocent
and everything else in between.
He's laughing it up
with her now
and that same smile that once
was for me
and that bit in his step that
gives me the chills.
Iced to my marrow,
I'm done with him
and walking away
unable to be seen.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Undiscovered Paradise
Because I love thinking about everything and everything. My mind races until I hit the pillow, and as soon as I wake up, it starts all over again. I can't help it. I love analyzing my life, and no it's not wasting it, because I'm loving every thoughtful moment of it. Analyzing is what makes me write, and I am so thankful. (Thank you, mind.)
So, today as usual, I was thinking. I was thinkingb about the fact that I would be driving soon (don't want to) and what my car would look like...
My car would be little and the backseat would be cluttered with pens, charcoal in boxes, paper, and lots of books, some dog-ear folded, others folded over. There'd be notebooks and CD's in the back, too. A miniature dream catcher would be hanging from the mirror, just because I think a) they look cool and b) I'm into that hippy-herb-smelling kind of stuff :) I'd have a small pillow in there for my back, because I slouch, and it just might make me feel a little warmer too. I'm the kind of girl that hates AC, and prefers to have the windows all the way down, the girl that drives around just because, finding small untraveled roads for fun (obsessed!), the one who immediatlely turns on her radio as soon as I'm in reach of it (kinda like Owen from Just Listen, only less angry). Music is comforting, sometimes better than talking, and for some reason, I always get some sort of inspiration or motivation out of it. (Do you?)
This picture below says everything about me. I'd rather be on a skateboard (without smashing my face, which is gonna be hard for me) or bike any day, but it's also pretty fun to be able to leave any situation you want, and enter into another one entirely. Hello, paradise...

Friday, December 10, 2010
Behind Those Eyes
I'm not talking about their faces, either.
What makes a girl pretty is a smile on her face, a genuine one.
Eating chocolate just because you want to.
Being nice to animals, loving frogs, saving spiders from something (or someone) else.
Reading and loving every moment of it.
Listening to the music you want to, not what your friends think is cool (this applies to me).
Loving your parents openly :)
Walking not to look better, but to find inspiration, to hum to yourself quietly.
Girls who play in the snow.
Wearing what you like.
Admitting to liking something when everyone else thinks it's stupid.
Being yourself.
Always aknowledging that you're pretty.

Because, really, we are.
Shatters my heart, seeing a pretty face that's not fully appreciated.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
If You Could Only See

Not my best picture OR writing, no, but it says it all. It's funny how much you can find out through an open window. A cracked-open door. Outside. Pretty scary. And amazing, all at once. It's almost wrong to know something else about someone that nobody else would even care to think of. And pretty chilling. Story of my life.
Does anyone else have insight, too? Or is it just me?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Hey, You
The first one is easy to identify, like the back of my hand would be. I've heard this voice so many times, it's incredible I still blush around him. Bright blue eyes -intense- like my own, and rosy cheeks that get pink when he laughes, and a head of light brown hair that looks a tint blonde and red in the sunlight. He's the quiter one in his family, the one who watches everything while the rest of the world goes on around him. But he always smiles at me when he sees me in the hall, sometimes just saying my name, other times walking right up to me to talk (or ask for gum). He's the kind of guy you'd be willing to wait for out in the freezing rain if he asked you to. The kind of guy that would turn anyone's world upside down, the arms you'd want to fall into if you just needed someone. And it would all be worth it.
But the other face, the other lingering pair of eyes in the crowds that catch my own with a lurching feeling in my stomach, is a boy that is like a mismatched pair of sneakers clashing with a dress. Different. A musician, and a writer, a lover of all music (who happens to worship Green Day, too). His dark eyes are deep and intense, catching my own occasionally, and he has a full head of dark dark brown hair, and pale skin. The desk drummer, is basically what he is. Last year we sat together because of my other friend (who's loud), and at one point he just looked at me and started talking. He was nice, but just so serious, as in passionate and deep about everything. A person just like me.
Two faces. Two pairs of lingering eyes. One girl.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tell Me

"You know, you're different than most girls. You don't care about makeup and guys all that mush. But you're still... passionate, you know? You still care about the important things, the things that mean something to you. You might not care that you're not like everyone else, but something's gotta bother you. You're human. It's not possible to be chill all the time. I know you got more to you than you let me see, but that's okay.When the time is right, I just know you'll hand me over the key. But it's alright waiting. Waiting is nice. Always something to look forard to." ~ from my own book I've been writing lately
Sunday, November 28, 2010


But should I really go?

Or go?
Me: No clue.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I like music that's achingly beautiful and rock music. Any suggestions? (P.S. I am a Led Zeppelin, Cranberries, and Green Day fan, in case you haven't noticed already.) My hands ride across the keys, my mind accelerating, lips formed into a perfectly curled smile. Writing is love.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Candy Necklaces

Monday, November 22, 2010
In Your Dreams

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
It's funny, 'cause a couple years ago I used to hate those people that start listening to Christmas music in freaking November. Ughhhh. I just didn't want anything to do with it. Christmas music can wait till, um, December 24 for me. But now here I am, listening to Carol of the Bells as I speak, on November 17, before Thanksgiving has even come yet. I guess I'm a hypocret (did I spell that right???).
So I actually started to secretly like it around two years ago at this time. We have this radio that only played one station, and at the time, it was Christmas music. Oh, goodie. Here we go.
Well, come to find out, I'm a sucker for anything Christmas-y that's on the radio. Forget Green Day! I want Frosty the Snowman!
There's just something about Christmas music that makes me almost a little lump-in-my-throat emotional. It's pretty embarassing. I have my reasons, though; a lot has happened to me during Christmas time, all good stuff, but it makes me teary-eyed. I dunno why.
My all-time favorite Christmas song is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's version of Carol of the Bells. Love it.
You know, I should really just delete all this. But I won't.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I don't know. There's just something... I dunno, rebellious?, about this tree. The way all the leaves are still intact, while everything else is huddled close and shut up for the winter. This is what I think: If everyone did as they were told, did what was accepted, then we'd all be living in winter for the rest of our lives.
"A face in the crowd unsung, against the mold, without a doubt, singled out the only way I know." "Marching out of time to my own beat now, the only way I know." ""One light, one mind flashing in the dark, blinded by the silence of a thousand broken hearts."
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Saddest Picture of the Century

Is it a painful smile spread across your face through a bad time?
Or is it the sharp movements of someone hurrying through a crowd?
Maybe it's not even that.
Maybe it's just us thinking.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Drooping Leaves

{I don't care about impressing you. Let me be.} Today an artist told me I have natural talent. "Your work is tenative", he said. "You're going to be an artist someday, you know that, right?" I nodded. "You're going to be an artist for the rest of your life." Whenever he said this to me again, I couldn't help but feel sick to my stomach. But in a good way. Because when he says it, I know he's not lying. He doesn't give out compliments for nothing. "You're not here to make pretty pictures all the time", he said, "You're here to learn from your mistakes. Be crazy, because it's the crazy people that make a difference."
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Outside the Lines
But you can't be all of them, though...

...Or can you?
I didn't know the answer to this a couple years ago when I started to wonder about this. To me, at the time, it was either this or that, black and white. Now, though, I understand that people are sometimes a little gray here and there. It's okay to go outside the lines. So, my answer is this: YEAH! You can be all those girls. Every one of us is. Now my soul will rest in peace.
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010
Spiked Adrenaline

Yesterday I met an author. She had stiff white hair in a funky pixie and warm pink lipstick and a kind smile. I was telling her about how much I wanted to write books, and she looked me right in the eye and said, "Well, I love writing, but the only negative is that you can't retire." And she laughed, leaving me puzzled.
Well now I get it.
She meant that she loves writing so much, and it's totally addicting. I want to feel that way someday when I'm older, too.
Q: Why are oldies songs only and always about love? Can someone please answer???!
Guess I had something to say today :)
Friday, October 22, 2010
Meeting Up Again
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010
Chex Mix and Pies
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Come On

Sunday, October 10, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
A Telephone Invasion

I'm walking into spiderwebs
So leave a message
And I'll call you back
A likely story, but leave a message
And I'll call you back
Now its gone too deep
You wake me up in my sleep
My dreams become nightmares
'Cause you're ringing in my ears...
...Communication, a telephone invasion
I'm planning my escape...
I love the song Spiderwebs by No Doubt. To me, it has a somewhat spooky feel to it at one point in the song, and the rest is kinda girly. It's funny, because I usually like guy bands like Nirvana and stuff like that, but I just fell in love with this song. I haven't heard it in awhile, so when it started playing last week on the radio, I was just so happy to hear it. It's been stuck in my head ever since. Its just been ringing in my ears.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

4. Someone who's not a mean girl.

4. Create my own line of clothing.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Paper-thin Communication

To me, blood and gore is not what Halloween was intended for. It's about your relatives that have died, and about honorng them.

Anyway, I was tagged by the inspiring Francesca (Pigs Flying). I just need to fill in Cassie's Therapy Video. But you know what? I want to twist the tag around a bit, make it my own.
I've always seen her therapy video as, well, kinda depressing. Why state all the happy things that make you smile first, then the sad stuff? Soo, why not put the hateful stuff first (to get it over with), then the happy stuff. A lovely little happy ending. I know, I know, I'm not supposed to mess with a tag, but I cannot resist. So, on my own, here we go:
I hate this, wow...Sorry.
I hate girls who think they're better than everyone else.
I hate steak. Period.
I hate humidity.
I hate seeing people lie to my face.
I hate seeing someone with a good heart cry because someone hurt them in the end.
I hate the saying "Children should be seen, but not heard".
I hate M.C. but in a way I like her, because she teaches my how NOT to act.
I hate country music.
I hate getting so angry that I start sweating (this really happens to me).
In some ways, I hate everything. It's less, it's less of a thing to hate, it's less distinct, it's less particular. I hate things that I hate, but I like everything. There's more choice in like cos even the worst things have things you like in them, I don't know what you mean about things I like.
I like boys with a heart and girls who rock out to guy music and wear oversized hoodies.
I like art classes.
I like blasting music when nobody is home.
I like sniffing candles one after another in the store.
I like John Hughes movies.
I like eyeliner and teased hair.
I like yard sales.
I like the feeling of butterflies whenever I see him.
I like rainy days.
I like getting inspired so much that I start smiling uncontrollably.
I like the smell of leaves.
I like family get-togethers, even when I claim not to.
I love spiderwebs.
Today I did what I felt like doing.
Acabadabra, wow!
I just think ending on a happy note is always great. What can I say? I'm a sucker for happy endings :)
Those tagged are... Steph (1001 ways to be more lovely) because her posts are oh-so lovely!, Reina (the splendor she spills) because her pictures are so inspiring and amazing, and Taylor (Blank Memories) because she's an incredible writer.
You can choose to do the tag the regular way, or my way.
...You choose :)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Short hair, fillet-o-fish commercial, him, my oversized hoodies, the snow, gasoline, freezing cold fingers.
Yeah. That was my life. And I miss it so much.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Swimming in Scarlet and Aquamarine

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cracked Up to Be

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Dandelion Dreams

Tuck her in,
Leave the door open a crack
The way you know she likes it.
Shake your head,
Wonder why
The seeds shall fly
Shall fly away.
To distant lands.
We rock the coast
And pass it by,
While deep deep down
You wonder why
The seeds shall fly
Shall fly away.
To this distant land.
On our walls
With a look of glee
And then a shriek.
Kids, you mumble,
Even though
You wonder why
The seeds shall fly
Shall fly away.
Painting makeup
On her face,
You instruct her
To sit a bit still,
Even through the butterflies.
She used to hate him
And now it's different;
She's got new eyes,
Some vivid eyes.
You now know why
The seeds shall fly
Shall fly away.
Now it's different
The tides have changed
She kisses you g'night
Just like she's been smiled at
All those times
So long ago.
Mama, she's saying
Please don't leave me.
Don't let me go.
But I know.
The seeds shall fly
Shall fly away.
The tides have changed,
The wind stronger some,
But I now know
I'll stay planted
Here forever
Even though
The ground's swept
From below us.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Define "Awesome"
Why is life so amazing?
1. Seeing your sixtysomething year old great uncle sliding down the slide with his grandson. That's pure awesomeness all on its own.
2. Another grandfather saying within my earshot, "I'm not an adult. I'm just a really old kid." I love this one. That's something you'd read in a book for sure.
3. This (if you can read through the crummy quality of my laptop):

5. Awards!

I got awarded today by the amazing ~Abby~ ("A Little Bit of Randomness"). This is my first award, and honestly I almost squealed. Yeah. Pathetic. Anyway... I just thought I'd never get an award cause I thought my posts were a bit weird at times. And dramatic. So thanks, ~Abby~! If you haven't, you should visit her blog.
So now, I get to award three other people. So, I picked these girls, just because they've got a lot to say.
1. laura marie (a diary of little things and curiousities) She's the most positive person I know, and I love her "Today I Believe" posts. They always put me in a good mood.
2. Teresauras (LIVE LIFE IN CAPS LOCK) All I have to say is read her post titled, "Cafe Caramel". At that moment in time, I fell in love with this chick's blog.
and 3. xoxo, Hannah. (Perfection.) I swear, Hannah is the sweetest girl. Her comments just make me melt :)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Fork Stuck in the Road
I saw him. With his arm wrapped around a girl's shoulder. And he was smiling, leading her through the crowds of people around us.
At first, my stomach just lurched foward and twisted into something rearing and ugly, making me feel like I was about to throw up. Or cry. Or both. It was one of those surreal moments that slows the world around you down for just a split second as you realize what's happening. It was one of those moments that makes me want to be swallowed into the floor below me, or to shrivel up into a dry raison and be stepped on, where nobody can see me. It was one of those moments that makes you wonder What does my face look like right now? It was awful. And then I heard his voice, that same velvety calm voice that I knew so well, the one that I replayed in my head all day just to comfort myself when missing him got ugly and pathetic. He said, as if he was laughing at how stinking cute she was. "Megan", he said, wrapping his arm tighter around her skinny frame again, leaving me there with the sensation as if I had been slapped across the face. I wanted to claw her eyes out, to be completely honest. I'll admit it. The only thing I wanted to do was drop everything there and just run. Run away from here, from everyone, where I could just scream and tug at my locks of hair in frustration.
The next class, I got back a quiz I had taken earlier this week. 12. I got an F on something I'd studied forever on. All I could do to keep sane at that moment was bow my head and blink slowly to avoid crying in front of all these kids around me, and my boring history teacher that knew nothing about me. Now, that ear pain was ringing.
But now, at this moment in time, I'm okay.
I keep thinking back to what I liked about him so much, and then I think quietly to myself You like the eighth grade boy still. In your mind, you love him from when he was in eighth grade. And now he's a Freshman. You. Need. To. Move. On. I've come to realize that I liked him when he was still a boy. I love him in my memories. It's such a confusing thing, liking someone. And then I ask myself Why do you like someone that makes you feel the pain?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know. Really.
It still hurts.
But you know what?
I'm gonna live through this.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Creeping In

Something about the fall makes me shiver in this excited way that melts my soul all at once. What does fall make you feel like?

How can you not love this picture?
Monday, September 13, 2010
Among the Smiling Spiders

A sheen of sweat across my face,
Spiders waltzing on the walls
In a dress of dusty lace.
"Will you ever learn?",
One with heavy eyes asks. "Such a waste."
And then she saunters off
In a dress of dusty lace.
My eyes whirl around like a spiral slurpee
And my fingers fall across fate, a damp ace,
Peering up at me from below, a sly smiling spider
In a dress of dusty lace.
Jaded rhinestones bounce off the
Chipped up window sills lacking grace
Lining up among the spiders
In their dress of dusty lace.
Liquid eyes line up in my face and say,
"Live it as it is, and quit that restless pace."
And then in a puff of sparkly smoke, she's gone
In a dress of dusty lace.
School. Hectic.
Sleep. Nightmares.
Homework. ...
Even though hectic, I'm still moving
moving on.
Sorry for being such a slacker with the blogging.
Shame. Shame on me :)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Pick Up the Pieces and Go Home
I've been wondering.
And have gotten no true answer yet.
Enlighten me?
Anyway, why not combine pictures AND words to spread a message, small as it may be. These are to people in my life, and some of them are super personal, like you'd never imagine, even while some of them are funny. Because some of these things make me cry. But I still have to be able to pick up the pieces and go home, otherwise I'll be a pathetic mess everywhere I walk. So here I go.
Right? I mean, c'mon...